When I think of summer, it’s all about pool time, vacations, hanging with family and friends, and, of course, epic events! At INM, we thrive on crafting seasonal giveaways that perfectly capture the essence of our clients’ events.  But don’t just take our word for it; let’s hear from our client, Corgan.

Corgan never fails to deliver an unforgettable experience for their employees. One of my personal favorites is the highly anticipated Annual Summer Picnic. We are proud to partner with them, curating the ideal additions to elevate this family event. This year, our collaboration led us to create super fun stadium cups and frisbees, ensuring all employees went home with cherished mementos from the event.

CMO Elizabeth Pierce expressed her delight, remarking, “For our Annual Summer Picnic we sprinkled the space with branded frisbees for the kids—and as it turns out, the adults! As the sun went down, the outside space lit up with activity. We also replaced the venue’s (a local brewery) cups with branded event cups. Together they helped tie the large venue together with a consistent look with functional and fun merch and not a lot of extra décor. They were a hit!

By incorporating these functional and fun items, Corgan not only fostered a sense of unity among the attendees but also reinforced their brand presence in a remarkable and memorable way. The success of this year’s summer picnic stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to creating extraordinary experiences that leave a lasting impact on their valued employees.

At INM, we understand the importance of infusing events with personalized and branded swag. It’s more than just giveaways; it’s about forging connections, sparking joy, and building a lasting impression. As you plan your own summer events, take inspiration from Corgan’s story, and let’s create unforgettable experiences that will be cherished long after the sun sets on the season.

Don’t forget to check out our Summer Lookbook, where you’ll find a captivating array of our favorite products of the summer!